24th June 2024, V2.0

Core Modules

Provide sales fleets with AI generated quote prices based on every unique customer quote, ensuring alignment with business goals and priority on sales volume vs margin on every deal. Each of the features below is at a quote x quote line level. The following core modules make up the current out of the box capabilities.

Quote Pricing

Features: Quote landing page to view all historic quotes, quote status and perform bulk actions. Quote creation flow to configure and generate a new quote price, including selecting customer, adding a prospect and location, building the individual quote lines, and exporting the optimized quote. Edit AI model guardrails, including weighting on margin vs quote conversion, global minimum margin constraint and others.

Selling Price

Features: Calculate the range of selling prices the quote is likely to sell at, based on historic sales and product data. This is a simple optimization method compared to the intelligent upgrade below.

This is combined with the sales likelihood model and specific business guardrails (e.g. minimum global margin) to provide the optimized quote price.

Intelligent Selling Price 

Features: Upgradeable machine learning based method to predict the range of selling prices. 

Sales Likelihood 

Features: Predict the likelihood of the quote to convert a successful sale, based on customer metadata and historic quote loss data. This is a simple optimization method compared to the intelligent upgrade below.

This is combined with the selling price model and specific business guardrails (e.g. minimum global margin) to provide the optimized quote price.

Intelligent Sales Likelihood

Features: Upgradeable machine learning based method to predict the likelihood of the quote to convert a successful sale 


  • Limit of 100 concurrent users 

  • Customer must provide lost quote data to access sales likelihood functionality